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European Commission withdraws titanium dioxide from food production


Today, European Commission Regulation 2022/63 was published in the Official Journal of the EU, according to which the food additive titanium dioxide (E 171) will not be authorised for use in food production. The regulation comes into force on 7 February 2022. Until 7 August 2022, food produced in accordance with the provisions in force before 7 February 2022 may continue to be placed on the market. After that date, it may remain on the market until its minimum durability or its use-by date. As regards medicines, the Commission, after consulting the EMA, is to review the need to maintain titanium dioxide (E 171) on the EU list of food additives for exclusive use as colour in medicinal products or to remove it from that list within three years of the entry into force of the Regulation (until 7 February 2025).

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