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The method for determining vitamins and minerals in food and food supplements?


On 24 January 2022 the European Food Safety Authority published guidelines on the establishment and application of upper tolerable intake levels for vitamins and minerals. Article 6 of Regulation 1925/2006 and Article 5 of Directive 2002/46/EC provide the basis for establishing maximum amounts of vitamins and minerals that may be added to foods and food supplements. The European Commission asked EFSA to develop guidelines and to review previous opinions in relation to:
 ·        Vitamin A,
·        Folic acid/folate
·        Vitamin D,
·        Vitamin E,
·        Vitamin B6,
·        Iron,
·        Manganese
·        β-carotene
 in order to take account of the latest scientific knowledge and evidence. The guidelines can be used by the Commission to set, at a unified level for all EU countries, tolerable upper intake levels for individual vitamins and minerals.
Read more on EFSA guidelines: